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On January 30, 2018, Charles Lindblom died at the age of 100. His ideas on, among others, policy making processes,
People hardly ever change their mind. The more they feel forced to justify themselves, the more they feel questioned, criticized,
Civil society organisations in Germany need to be directly empowered to use data, in order to maintain their scope for
“Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief”, is one of the
Sinds 2016 organiseert Social Science Works (SSW) in Duitsland reeksen van deliberative workshops met vluchtelingen, met rechts-radicale populisten, en met
There are many factors that explain the upheaval of populism. Postmodernism is one of them. In the Netherlands, certainly the
“If the RMB depreciates, Southbound trading goes through the roof!” A conversation overheard in Central Ideas about the borderless world
This year, Social Science Works has been working on the project 'Deliberation Against Populism' in which we have contacted citizens
“If the RMB depreciates, Southbound trading goes through the roof!” A conversation overheard in Central   Ideas about the borderless
This year, as part of the Social Science Works project ‘Deliberation gegen Populismus[1]’ we have been monitoring right-wing populist Facebook