Blog Grid Post "Super Volunteerism": A Grass-Roots Solution to Global Prejudice An Anecdotal Foreword: The Case for Solution-Based Research and Inductive Reasoning By Christina Pao (Yale University '20) In summer Robert A. Dahl on Pluralism, Democracy and Deliberation Robert Dahl (1915 - 2014) is one of the most influential political scholars of the last century. His ideas on Challenging extreme claims for truth: How to deliberate the open, pluralist society with monist thinkers Imagine we are dealing with a person with a rather monistic mindset, thus believing, assuming or hoping that all questions Im Bann der Religion - Islamismus und die demokratische Gesellschaft Islamismus und vor allem islamistischer Terror ist ein sehr präsentes Thema in vielen westlichen Gesellschaften, sowie in den Konflikten im The Crisis of Masculinities - A Brief Overview The so-called crisis of masculinity has drawn much attention and concern by politicians, academics, the public, and most dominantly, the Charles Edward Lindblom, In Memoriam On January 30, 2018, Charles Lindblom died at the age of 100. His ideas on, among others, policy making processes, How to deliberate fundamental values? Notes from Brandenburg on our approach. People hardly ever change their mind. The more they feel forced to justify themselves, the more they feel questioned, criticized, Equipping Civil Society for a Data-Driven Future Civil society organisations in Germany need to be directly empowered to use data, in order to maintain their scope for Branding of cities: to whom is the city advertized and what fundamental idea lies behind it? “Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief”, is one of the Constructief praten met meer en minder gevestigde burgers over wereldbeschouwingen Sinds 2016 organiseert Social Science Works (SSW) in Duitsland reeksen van deliberative workshops met vluchtelingen, met rechts-radicale populisten, en met « Previous 1 … 16 17 18 19 20 … 23 Next »