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The interplay between Elon Musk and the social democratic government in Brandenburg, where Tesla recently opened a Giga factory, illustrates
I am from Algeria and 32 years old. I belong to the Berbers, who live not only in Algeria but
Exposing and deconstructing discrimination in all its diversity: Deliberative training for volunteers. As in previous years, the Federal Office for
I come from Raqqa in Syria and I am now 30 years old. When I came to Germany back in
In order to strengthen democracy, we need a new discussion culture. To this end, we are creating public spaces where
    With the support of the Partnership for Democracy Westhavelland & Nauen, we are implementing a series of workshops
Since 2022, Social Science Works has published a large number of interviews with refugees in Germany. There were several motives
As citizens increasingly lose trust in politics and society, it becomes more important than ever for state and civilian organizations
My name is Saleh, and I am from Syria. I have been in Berlin for two years now and am
The project that was described in this book was discontinued halfway through. The ways in which this happened are perhaps