Below you can find the companion page for each episode. On a companion page, you will find information about each organization interviewed by episode, including:
Descriptions of the organization and their work. Their social media pages. Their website. Images of the organization. Contact info. and more!
Click on each title to hear the podcast episode.
Wilkommen in Falkensee is an organization that seeks to improve the welcome culture and integration in their community.
Potsdam Konvoi advocates for a greater commitment to resettling refugees stuck in Greek camps.
Amal, Berlin! creates news for migrants in their native languages (including Arabic and Farsi) and in German.
Willkommen in Dallgow is a community integration organization that helps refugees settle into their lives in Germany.
Begegnungscafe Babelsberg offers a space for Germans and refugees to meet and chat. They often share food, stories, and play games.
Mosaique is a cultural center in Lüneberg, Germany.
Jobs4Refugees helps migrants gain entry into the German labor force.
Minor studies migration issues and conducts projects to help vulnerable populations including refugees.