Muriel Akkerman, Evelyn Callapino Guarachi, Noëlle Wendling and Eline Sap joined our team

Muriel Akkerman, Evelyn Callapino Guarachi, Noëlle Wendling and Eline Sap joined our team. The stays of Muriel and Evelyn have … Continue ReadingMuriel Akkerman, Evelyn Callapino Guarachi, Noëlle Wendling and Eline Sap joined our team

Indifference to refugees in Germany: observations and explanations

Since 2022, Social Science Works has published a large number of interviews with refugees in Germany. There were several motives … Continue ReadingIndifference to refugees in Germany: observations and explanations

German SSW delegation safely returned to Berlin from Erasmus+ training in Portugal

Building Inclusive Societies _ Erasmus+ Training in Portugal This February, Social Science Works participated in an Erasmus+ training on the … Continue ReadingGerman SSW delegation safely returned to Berlin from Erasmus+ training in Portugal