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Migration Policy on the Run: New arrivals’ experiences of idleness, inertia and indifference
In recent years, Social Science Works has conducted extensive research on the living conditions and perspectives of refugees in Germany. In this context, Laila Keeling, Anjali Zyla, Sahba Salehi, Nadia Lejaille, Genevieve Soucek and Hans Blokland have spoken to a wide range of refugees. Some of the interviews have been published here on our website. In addition, quantitative data were collected and social workers, volunteers, representatives of civil society organizations, civil servants and policy makers were interviewed. All this material has now been analyzed by Hans Blokland, and on this basis a large number of policy recommendations have been formulated. The final product, Migration Policy on the Run, has been published (in German) by Transcript Verlag in Bielefeld in November 2023. An English edition is in preparation. For more information on the book in English, click here.
From the cover text:
Migration and integration are inextricably linked to many fundamental social and political issues: Identity, belonging, discrimination, emancipation, diversity, cohesion, solidarity, responsibility, social order, and social policy. Hans Blokland focuses on the perceptions and experiences of refugees, professionals, volunteers, and policy decision makers in a district in Brandenburg and derives from this more general insights about migration, integration and the challenges associated with it. Overall, he paints a rather troubling picture that highlights the convulsiveness and anxiety of most Western nations in dealing with migration.