- Interns of the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen completed their project - December 6, 2024
- Populism discussed by Hans Blokland at a conference of the Humboldt-Foundation. - November 6, 2024
- Akram Yahiaoui interns at Social Science Works - November 2, 2024
Supported by the district administration of Teltow-Fläming (Brandenburg), we have started a year-long project aimed at strengthening the coordination and cooperation of stakeholders working on the integration of refugees. We already went through a similar process last year in a small community in this district (for an overview click here). We first examined the situation of the refugees currently living in transitional homes. Based on the findings, we then brought stakeholders together on a regular basis to discuss how to improve the situation. Participants in the discussions included the shelter managers, social workers, civil volunteers, political decision-makers from municipalities, the district administration and Brandenburg, representatives of civil society organizations, the job center, the immigration authorities and representatives of the refugees. In the discussions, we dealt with various topics one after the other: Housing, work, German language skills, education and vocational training, children and daycare centers, health and psycho-social problems, and counseling and motivation. The Future Conference was quite successful, which is why the district administration would like to implement the process with interested communities throughout Teltow-Fläming. On our first project we published an end report here. The current project started on January 1, 2022 and will continue until 2023. Involved are a dozen refugee-homes with more than 1000 inhabitants.