Categoriesby Hans Blokland by Hans Blokland Democratic Theory By Hans BloklandLeave a comment on Politics is no Match for Business: Charles Lindblom, Elon Musk and the Privileged Position of BusinessPolitics is no Match for Business: Charles Lindblom, Elon Musk and the Privileged Position of Business Posted onApril 13, 2022September 17, 2023 By Hans BloklandThe interplay between Elon Musk and the social democratic government in Brandenburg, where Tesla recently opened a Giga factory, illustrates … Continue ReadingPolitics is no Match for Business: Charles Lindblom, Elon Musk and the Privileged Position of Business
Categoriesby Hans Blokland by Hans Blokland Democratic Theory Social Criticism By Hans BloklandLeave a comment on Charles Lindblom on the Market, Elites, Inequality and our Inability to Think ClearCharles Lindblom on the Market, Elites, Inequality and our Inability to Think Clear Posted onJune 22, 2021September 18, 2023 By Hans BloklandCharles Lindblom (1917 – 2017), one of the most important political scientists of the twentieth century, published in 2000 The … Continue ReadingCharles Lindblom on the Market, Elites, Inequality and our Inability to Think Clear