Many of the most recent publications of Hans Blokland can be found on the website of Social Science Works. This page provides the direct links to these publications.
- Politics is no Match for Business: Charles Lindblom, Elon Musk and the Privileged Position of Business. Social Science Works. 2022.
- Our Europe for All – Civic engagement among young European citizens in Berlin and Brandenburg (with Paola Perrin de Brichambaut). Social Science works. 2022.
- Charles Lindblom on the Market, Elites, Inequality and our Inability to Think Clear. Social Science Works 2022.
- Planning a future together: Could Eisenhüttenstadt use some deliberative democracy? Social Science Works. 2021.
- Loneliness, unhappiness, consumerism and its political consequences: observations and predictions of Robert E. Lane. Social Science Works. 2019.
- Opportunists in political education for democracy, freedom and respect: the long road of democratization. 2020
- Miteinander reden? Erfahrungen mit der Postdamer Moscheegemeinde (with others). 2020
- Why was there a wall between East and West Germany and not one between the North and the South? Deliberating Discrimination, Antisemitism, Racism, Sexism, Homophobia in Volatile Schools in Hamburg. 2020
- Warum gab es eine Mauer zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland und nicht eine zwischen Nord und Süd? Reden über Diskriminierung, Antisemitismus, Rassismus, Sexismus, Homophobie in Brennpunktschulen in Hamburg. 2020
- Was will eine Frau eigentlich? On discussing Gender Equality in Germany. 2019
- Angry, but not bad people on the Brandenburg countryside. 2019
- Talking straight to youngsters in Hamburg. 2019
- “People have to Work!” A Deliberation at a Secondary School in Brandenburg 2019
- Deliberating Homosexuality: Empirical Observations and Analyses 2019
- A Deliberative Workshop with Chechen 2019
- Eindrücke aus der Deliberation – Über die Feedback Forschung unserer Workshops (mit Raíssa Silveira). 2019
- The Rewards from Deliberation: Researching the Feedback of our Workshops. (with Raíssa Silveira) 2019
- Radikalisierung Entgegenwirken: Was die Forschung von Deliberation und Radikalisierung uns lehrt. 2018
- Countering Radicalization: What the Research on Deliberation and Radicalization Teaches us. 2018
- Challenging extreme claims for truth: how to deliberate the open pluralist society with monist thinkers? 2018
- Das Anfechten extremer Wahrheitsansprüche: wie man mit monistischen Denker über die offene pluralistische Gesellschaft deliberiert. 2018
- Charles Edward Lindblom, In Memorian (with Ross Zucker and Rune Premfors). PS. Political Science & Politics, March 2018
- How to deliberate fundamental values? Notes from Brandenburg on our approach. 2018
- Wie deliberiert man fundamentale Werte? Bericht aus Brandenburg über unsere Ansätze, Herangehensweisen und Erfahrungen. 2018
- Robert A. Dahl on Pluralism, Democracy and Deliberation, in: Turner, Bryan S. et al (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Social Theory. London: Wiley Blackwell. 2018
- Deliberation gegen Populismus: Ein Modellprojekt. (mit Florentin Münstermann). 2018. Potsdam.
- Deliberative Wertevermittlung: Ein Leitfaden (mit Nils Wadt). Potsdam: BAMF. 2018
- Constructief praten met meer en minder gevestigde burgers over wereldbeschouwingen. 2018
- How postmodernism advanced populism: an inside story from the Netherlands. 2017
- Taking people seriously: a new approach for countering populism and furthering integration. 2017
- Deliberation against Populism: Reconnecting Radicalizing citizens in Germany and Elsewhere. 2017
- What we can & can’t measure in a Brexit deal (with Sarah Coughlan and Nils Wadt). 2017
- Debating values and cultural identity with newcomers and natives in Europe. 2016
- How to debate values in a diverse Europe. 2016
- Rural regeneration by connecting bigger social solutions. 2016
- Some important lessons from political science on political participation and democratization. 2015
- Why social scientists should help people to find out what they want. 2015
- What do education scholars know? 2015
- Are there too many PhD’s? 2015
- Academic Conferences Should be Outlawed. 2015
- Economists looking for God. 2015
- Creating Useable Knowledge for Tomorrow’s Democratic Societies: The Academic Background of Social Science Works. 2015/2018