- Muriel Akkerman and Eline Sap joined our team - September 5, 2024
- Idir: Algeria - April 25, 2024
- The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) continues to support our training courses on discrimination and racism. - April 24, 2024
Round tables about Emancipation in Germany
Salaries, promotion prospects, education, political participation or equal division of domestic work and childcare: the gap between men and women in Germany is rather increasing than decreasing. Women earn less, suffer more due to their triple duties of family, caring and profession, are more affected by old-age poverty and with a share of 30 % underrepresented in politics, economy and science. At the same time, men are under pressure to be the sole provider of the family income. The men’s aspiration to have more time with their children often fails, because of a father-unfriendly company culture or legal practice in divorce and family matters, that still perceives the mother as the main person responsible for children.
As a result, there is a growing dissatisfaction of the younger generation, that would like to combine family and profession, as well as political disenchantment, because the people don’t feel represented anymore, plus the exclusion of qualified thinkers in decision making and innovation processes. Germany is about to be left behind. Within the country and as an economical power.
About these issues, we would like to talk to people in Germany in this project. We would like to listen to the different experiences and opinions regarding this topic and discuss together, where the issues are and how we can solve them, so we can formulate suggestions for politics.
Throughout Germany, we organize 10 workshops in order to deliberate with about 30 persons of all societal milieus about gender equality. We invite our participants to talk about equal employment opportunities, equal division of domestic work and new flexible working hours models. We ask among other things about the social, political and economic costs of gender inequality, as well as what emancipation means for the whole society and about what we could do in order to promote equality and what kind of support we can expect from the state.
The resume of the workshops is a communication strategy for the public discussion of this topic.
For more information about the project, visit the German pages of this website.
For an article about our previous experiences with deliberations on this topic, click here.