In cooperation with local partners we organize deliberative workshops in schools. The themes are chosen together with teachers and students, depending on the needs and interests of the people involved. Popular are democracy, identity, radicalization, discrimination, racism, sex equality, and homosexuality. This year, we have a long term cooperation with the Grace Hopper Gesamtschule in Teltow, Brandenburg. We will be present in the school for almost a year, interacting about two times per month with one group of adolescents. We will talk over fundamental values and ideas that keep our societies and communities together and all sorts of discrimination, including racism, anti-Semitism, sexism, and homophobia. We will also have a “Dark Tourism Deliberation Day” in Berlin, visiting five memorial sites including The Memorial for the Murdered Jews of Europe; The Memorial for Homosexuals persecuted under Nazism; and the Memorial for the Victims of National Socialist “Euthanasia” Killings. The project has been made possible by the Internationaler Bund (IB), Region Brandenburg Nordwest. Information on a comparable project in Hamburg can be found here. This blog-article gives an impression about another Brandenburg-school.
Deliberation in Schools
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