Taking people seriously: a new approach for countering populism and furthering integration

In our deliberative democracy and integration projects[i] we treat our participants – natives as well as migrants – as citizens, … Continue ReadingTaking people seriously: a new approach for countering populism and furthering integration

Rural Regeneration by Connecting Bigger Social Solutions

  Complex social issues are often more easily resolved when they are connected up with other societal problems. Habitual approaches … Continue ReadingRural Regeneration by Connecting Bigger Social Solutions

Debating Values & Identity With Newcomers & European Natives

In 2015, roughly 1,1 million refugees came to Germany. About 428,500 of these people are Syrians. Refugees from Iraq (13%) … Continue ReadingDebating Values & Identity With Newcomers & European Natives

Lessons From Political Science On Participation & Democratization

It is often assumed in social and political science that citizens should participate more in political structures and processes aimed … Continue ReadingLessons From Political Science On Participation & Democratization